Vous saviez qu'il existait une alternative au sucre pour aller au bout de vos performances sportives ? Ce constat, Alvaro, fondateur de Holyfat, l'a fait au cours de la French...
Les lipides : une véritable bombe de bienfaits
Les lipides, ou graisses, sont souvent perçus comme les mauvais nutriments de notre alimentation. Pourtant, ils jouent un rôle essentiel, tant pour notre santé quotidienne...
Paleo diet for athletes
Like the ketogenic diet, the paleo diet has become fashionable over the years among athletes to improve their performance. It is all the more useful...
Ketogenic diet for sports
The ketogenic diet is very useful for long-distance efforts, such as the RAF or theUTMB for example. It will allow you to mobilize your lipid...
Fat, intelligent fuel!
Our body works like a hybrid car, capable of using two fuels (carbohydrates or fats), but with a much larger fat reservoir than carbohydrates ....
The role of lipids and their benefits: Healthy and tasty breaks!
Lipids, fats, fats, fats, ... You have all heard about it, received information sometimes even contradictory on this subject. "Good fat is life" as...
Is the ketogenic diet suitable for athletes?
Does carbohydrating fat optimize performance? How can you go without sugar? Holyfat explains the ketogenic diet and helps you understand how fat can become the...