La Pierra Menta de Guillaume Beauxis

The Pierra Menta by Guillaume Beauxis

Posted by Marketing Holy-Fat on

The Pierra Menta 2023 took place from the 8th to the 11th of March in rather dantesque conditions. Guillaume Beauxis, a member of the Holyfat team, tells us about his experience and how he coped with the weather and his poor health.
"For several years now I've given up ski mountaineering for a more "free" practice that allows me to cut out competition and just enjoy myself. I have checked off several great races like the Altitoy but I hadn't had the opportunity to do the mythical Pierra Menta.
When my friend Greg Curmer suggested I do it I jumped at the chance and made it my goal for this winter. The form was really good, I was confident but I got sick 3 days before the start... I got a big bronchitis, fever, couldn't breathe properly, I was in a really bad state on the eve of the start. The first stage was without surprise, I suffered and suffered like rarely to reach the finish.
Fortunately the understanding with my team mate was great but I was angry that I couldn't express myself after all the work I had done this winter. The second stage was a copy-paste of the day before in terms of my form, but with the sun this time and a beautiful mountain stage. At the finish I asked myself if I was capable of going to the end of these 4 days with such physical suffering. I was afraid to compromise my season because I felt that I was putting a lot of strain on my body just to finish the stages.
The weather came to my aid with a cancelled stage and a last one in the form of a 600m+ time trial. So I went to the end but it was hard!
I still have a bitter taste of this first Pierra Menta but I'm happy to have taken my bearings on this race and to have found a great teammate. I hope that we will come back to express ourselves 100% this time.
As far as food is concerned, I used Holyfat macadamia lemon and macadamia vanilla purees + a Hydrascore effort drink. "
photo credit: @pierre_meyer_photography

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