The energy gel is designed to provide a quick dose of sugar to provide energy throughout a more or less long effort. However, the problem with energy gel is that once you start, you are obliged to consume it every 45 minutes or risk hypoglycaemia.
Often cumbersome because you need a lot of them for a long run, disgusting because they are very sweet and a source of digestive problems, many people are looking for an alternative to these energy gels and to sugar in general. Unlike traditional energy gels, Holyfat oilseed purees are mainly composed of lipids (as opposed to carbohydrates for gels), vitamins, minerals and other beneficial compounds for health. Their semi-liquid texture allows easy absorption during exercise and does not require chewing. Fat, unlike carbohydrates, provides 9kcal/g of fat and carbohydrates only 4kcal/g. Our 40g purees therefore provide 270kcal on average, which enables us to provide energy without any variation in blood sugar levels for an average of 2 hours of effort. Our purees, made from quality ingredients and without additives, are easily assimilated and very digestible.
Holyfat oilseed purees can be used both during training and on the day of your event. They provide up to 2 hours of stable energy and are therefore ideal for intense sports such as cycling, running, trail running, etc. The various HolyFat energy purees are specifically designed to support your efficiency throughout the effort or in difficult passages.