Post-sport snacks

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It is important to pay attention to what you eat after sport. Indeed, it is at this time that the body will regenerate and replenish its stocks. You should avoid snacking and opt instead for a real snack or a real meal by favoring protein. Our oilseed purees, rich in almonds, are ideal for this. Also remember to rehydrate well with "salty water" mixed with fresh water for optimal mineral intake and hydration.

How to recover after sport?

To recover after sport, it is recommended to consume good sources of protein (meat, fish, eggs) to repair the muscles, to eat more salty food to compensate for the loss of minerals(our energy bars rich in Guérandesalt ), to drink a lot and to sleep enough. Stretching, massaging and taking cold baths can also help you recover better.

Should I eat after sport?

After sport, it is important to eat to recover properly by consuming good sources of protein (meat, fish, eggs) to repair the muscles, to eat more salt to compensate for mineral losses, to drink a lot and to get enough sleep.

Should you eat before or after sport?

Eating before sport can be interesting to bring energy to the body. We recommend limiting carbohydrates with a high glycemic index, which are responsible for variations in blood sugar and hypoglycemia. Doing sports on an empty stomach can also be very interesting to get used to using your fat reserves as a source of energy. After sport, it is important to eat to recover well by consuming good sources of protein (meat, fish, egg) to repair the muscles, to eat more salty to compensate for the loss of minerals, to drink a lot and to sleep enough.

What lunch after sport?

After sport, you can eat a breakfast limited in fast carbohydrates to limit the glycemic peak and the 11 o'clock craving. You can eat a breakfast with good sources of protein (meat, fish, egg) to repair the muscles and good sources of fat (butter, olive oil, avocado, oilseeds). You can also add a bar or Holyfat oilseed puree for even more deliciousness!

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