Encas sains et healthy : Nos 3 conseils | Holyfat

Healthy snacks: Our 3 tips

Posted by Marketing Holy-Fat on

Opinions easily diverge on "healthy" snacks: What to have as a snack, when is the best time to have it? Salty or sweet? Low calorie, high protein .... It's confusing.

When you have a busy day or a sporty day, but also when you are tired, the idea is to get the maximum energy for an adequate caloric intake. At Holyfat, we prepare healthy snacks adapted to a low-sugar diet, without being all salty!

When and why take a snack?

You can take a snack before, during or after a sports session but also in the middle of the afternoon if you feel an intense hunger. Our Holyfat oilseed bars and purees are ideal snacks: they are low in carbohydrates, without added sugar and rich in good fats, for a healthy and tasty snack!

What to eat in case of hunger ?

In case of hunger, we recommend eating foods that will not impact your blood sugar: a handful of oilseeds (nuts, almonds), vegetables or fruits (radishes, cherry tomatoes, strawberries...), a small piece of cheese, a square of dark chocolate, there is no lack of choice! You can also take our Holyfat bars or oilseed puree pouches everywhere: they will provide you with energy for a long time, during your sport practice but also in your daily life, during your work day, at breakfast, as a dessert or when you travel.

What snack should I have in the morning?

In the morning, we recommend that you limit your consumption of carbohydrates with a high glycemic index: bread, jam, spreads, cereals for children, fruit juice, chocolate powder... We recommend that you eat a breakfast that prioritizes proteins and good sources of fat: egg, salmon or other fatty fish (sardines, mackerel...), bacon, avocado... You can also add a Holyfat oleaginous bar or puree for an even more delicious taste!

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