Pre-sport snacks

Posted by Marketing Holy-Fat on

Taking a snack before sport would allow for a better performance. However, once again, it all depends on the snack you take. It is advisable to choose a snack with a low glycemic index to avoid potential hypoglycemia (dried fruit, yoghurt, fruit) and to stay well hydrated. Furthermore, it is advisable to eat 1 to 3 hours before a sporting event in order to digest properly and avoid digestive problems. Eating an energy puree or a Holyfat energy bar 1 or 2 hours before exercise allows you to fill up on energy without any variation in blood sugar levels.

How to have energy before the sport?

Before sport, it is recommended to limit carbohydrates with a high glycemic index, in order to avoid significant variations in blood sugar and the risk of hypoglycemia. We recommend that you consume good sources of fat and protein for sustained energy throughout the session. Our Holyfat products are low in carbohydrates and without added sugar: their good fats and proteins bring you an incredible energy for all your sports outings: cycling, trail, marathon, triathlon, hiking...

Is it good to eat before sport?

It is possible to eat a snack before the effort to fill up with energy, but it is very important to respect a delay between the food intake and the race: 3 hours for a real meal, 1.5 hours for a snack. You must pay attention to all the food you take before the effort. It is also very interesting to test your products before the competition.

When and what to eat before sport?

We recommend that you respect the time between eating and your session: 3 hours for a real meal, 1.5 hours for a snack. A meal limited in carbohydrates with a high glycemic index will limit variations in blood sugar and the risk of hypoglycemia. We recommend that you consume good sources of fat and protein for sustained energy throughout the session. Our Holyfat products are particularly interesting, low in carbohydrates and without added sugar, they will allow you to have the necessary energy for your sports outing.

What breakfast before sport?

Before the sport, we recommend a breakfast limited in carbohydrates with high glycemic index, in order to preserve important variations of glycemia and risk of hypoglycemia. We recommend that you consume good sources of fat and protein for lasting energy throughout the session.

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