La pâte de datte : Ingrédient & allié nutritionnel du sport

Cocco: un frutto esotico poco conosciuto

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Discovery and Composition of Date Paste Date paste comes from the fruits of the date palm.

Originally cultivated in Middle Eastern countries such as Iraq, it was later cultivated in Egypt, India and North Africa (1). The manufacturing of date paste follows a methodical process including sorting, washing, pitting, grinding, and finally, packaging (2).

Nutritional Composition

Carbohydrates, in the form of fructose, glucose and sucrose, dominate the composition, representing approximately 64.8%. Proteins remain present but in modest quantities, with an average of 1.8%. These proteins contain beneficial amino acids such as alanine, arginine, glycine, serine and valine, known for their benefits, particularly in regulating blood pressure and relieving joint pain.

Lipids, for their part, are practically absent from date paste, with only 0.25% (3).

Date paste also stands out for its richness in minerals and trace elements, often surpassing other dried fruits in terms of mineral content. In addition, its high fiber content, mainly insoluble (7 to 8g per 100g), promotes intestinal transit by increasing the volume of the food bolus (4).

Despite its high energy value, date paste remains relatively low in calories, providing approximately 282 calories per 100 g (5).

Use and Benefits

  • Dates and sport

Thanks to its high carbohydrate content, the date is an ideal choice for athletes, providing a sustained energy supply. As part of a ketogenic approach like that recommended at Holyfat, where the mobilization of fats is favored as a source of energy, date paste is used strategically, generally in quantities limited to around 10% in energy bars. This strategy makes it possible to maintain a constant intensity of effort, particularly beneficial during endurance activities (6).

Dates are also a wise choice during post-exercise recovery, facilitating the rapid replenishment of glycogen reserves and certain minerals.

  • Fight against Oxidative Stress Oxidative

Stress, resulting from an imbalance between pro-oxidant and antioxidant molecules, can lead to various muscle disorders, cramps and injuries. Intense sports practice increases the production of free radicals, thus contributing to this phenomenon. Dates then prove valuable, thanks to their concentration of antioxidants such as polyphenols, carotenoids and flavonoids, which protect cells against oxidative damage induced by physical exercise.

Studies even suggest that regular consumption of dates could increase antioxidant levels in the blood, thereby strengthening the body's defense against oxidative stress (7).

Where does the date paste we use come from?

The dough that we use in our recipes comes from organic farming. The dates are sorted, pitted then cut manually, cleaned and dried at a temperature of 70°C to 80°C then crushed, sifted and finally packaged.

Did you know ?

The name “date” comes from the Greek word dactylos which means “finger”. That's where the name comes from, dates look like fingertips. It is the elongated shape of dates that inspired this name.


1. Date Palm Biotechnology. (s. d.). Google Books.
2. Munier P., Dupaigne P.. 1963. A new future for date paste. Fruits, 18 (10): pp. 468-473.
3. Ciqual. (n.d.).
4. Admin. (2023, March 3). What are the benefits of dates for athletes? - Sports on site. Sports in place.
5. Benchelah, A., & Maka, M. (2008b). Dates: nutritional value. Phytotherapy, 6(2), 117-121.
6. What are the benefits of dates in bodybuilding? (n.d.).

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