Purée énergétique Holyfat : Pour les sportifs exigeants et une énergie prolongée

Vous cherchez à améliorer l'efficacité de vos entraînements sportifs ou briller pendant vos compétitions tout en respectant votre corps ?

Découvrez les purées énergétiques Holyfat, une révolution saine et naturelle pour soutenir vos efforts physiques et sportifs efficacement et durablement.

Riches en lipides et sans sucres ajoutés, elles apportent une énergie stable sans provoquer de pics glycémiques. Grâce à leurs ingrédients naturels, elles sont faciles à digérer et parfaites pour les sportifs en quête d'un apport nutritionnel durable.
Ne laissez plus la fatigue vous freiner, optez pour une nutrition performante et gourmande avec la purée énergétique Holyfat.

A real revolution in the sports energy market, a smooth texture and many flavours to choose from Holyfat is a new experience for a stable energy.

A real alternative to ultra-transformed gels.

A sugar-free healthy snack for all people.

 Purée energetique

Alle unsere Pakete von 10 bis 21€

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Holyfat nut-butters are very useful for sportsmen and women:

  • Rich in lipids, they provide you with rapidly assimilable energy that is available for a long period of time in order to maintain your performance.
  • Thanks to their high composition in oleaginous (More than 80%), the Holyfat purees contain vitamins, minerals and sodium which will play a role on the muscular construction but which will also help to compensate your losses related to the sweat.
  • They are practical and easy to use during an effort because their semi-liquid texture does not require chewing.
  • Unlike an energy gel which contains an average of 70 Kcal, our oilseed purees contain an average of 270 Kcal each, representing an unbeatable weight/calorie ratio!
  • Our nut-butters are 100% natural and made with ingredients sourced as close as possible (French walnuts, Italian almonds, Macadamia from South Africa, Guérande salt, Espelette chilli pepper, real vanilla pearls from Madagascar, coffee roasted by a roaster located in Lille...).
  • All our purees are lactose-free, gluten-free and vegan.

Holyfat purees are made from raw, natural ingredients. They are mainly made from oilseeds (macadamia nuts, almonds, walnuts). Each flavor contains coconut oil extract.

All Holyfat energy purees are 100% natural with real flavours (vanilla, ginger, coffee...), without preservatives and without colouring agents for an optimal assimilation during effort. Holyfat oilseed purees are minimally processed in order to preserve a maximum of minerals and vitamins contained in the ingredients. Very digestible, they will accompany you throughout your sports practices. All our purees are manufactured by our team, in our workshop, in France, more precisely in Lille in the Hauts-de-France.

Energy nut butters are used during exercise when you feel the need.

We recommend consuming an average of one puree every 2 hours of effort , to provide a regular supply of energy.
Our purees are consumed in small sips spread over the 2-hour effort.
If you prefer, we advise you to consume your oilseed puree and then drink a little water.
It's essential to try the purees during your training sessions to calculate your consumption needs and make sure you tolerate them well. What's more, as our almond purees are rich in lipids, the more you get used to consuming them, the better you'll be able to oxidize lipids during exercise.

Stop gels, Holyfat has developed a series of nut-butters that are a concentrate of energy, vitamins and minerals in a small format easily transportable. They are composed of different nutrients that will help the athlete to maintain his efficiency during exercise by limiting the decrease in glycogen stock (energy reserve) and avoiding muscular disturbances.

When running, the body uses 2 sources of energy to fuel the muscles: lipids and carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are a quick source of energy, but are limited and over-consumption can have negative consequences for your health. The combinations of fats, vitamins and minerals used in each of the Holyfat energy purees meet the precise needs of sportsmen and women according to the sport practised, its duration and intensity. The nut-butters contrary to the energy gels have a consequent contribution of calories (705 KCal or 2902 KJ for 100 G of puree approximately), they also bring minerals, polyphenols, omega 3 and 9 and essential vitamins to the sportsmen thanks to their richness in walnut, almond and macadamia.

Holyfat nut-butters are specially formulated to provide what Athletes need during training or a sporting event: long-lasting energy, rapidly assimilated energy to help you during a climb or an intense moment, to recover from a slump or to prevent muscular disturbances... Holyfat offers a wide range of effective energy nut-butters that meet all your needs, whatever the sport you practice, its duration and intensity. Our nut-butters will give you the stable energy you need. Holyfat nut-butters are specifically formulated to support your muscular activity throughout your sports practice.

Unlike energy gels composed of 70% carbohydrates, its richness in oilseeds provides minerals (magnesium, calcium, etc.) that contribute to the proper functioning of muscles. Its effectiveness is reinforced by antioxidants (vitamins B6, E) which protect the cells against oxidative stress and at the same time help to reduce fatigue. It is consumed during exercise at regular intervals, every 2 hours, and responds to your momentary over-consumption of fuel.

Athletes need energy that is available quickly and over the long term to maintain their performance during exercise by limiting the drop in glycogen stocks (energy reserves). Our nut-butters are particularly effective because they are quickly assimilated by the body due to their liquid texture and provide stable energy during exercise. However, if you are used to sugar during exercise and you are afraid of not having an energy boost, we advise you to take a simple, quickly assimilated sugar such as a banana or fruit compote (rather than an energy gel) during intense moments such as climbing a mountain pass or during your last hour of exercise.

  • At breakfast or before your effort in order to have a feeling of satiety and to be able to go out and do sport with peace of mind.
  • Every 2 hours on average during the effort in order to maintain a stable energy level.
  • When you feel the need (feeling of hunger).When you have a slump and you need energy quickly.
  • During a long and intense effort, when it is easier to ingest something liquid rather than a solid food such as an energy bar, dry fruits...

Holyfat nut-butters is rich in healthy fats and is a greater source of energy than the carbohydrates found in most energy gels. They are specifically formulated for endurance sports such as marathon, trail, cycling, mountain biking, triathlon...

Holyfat puree can maintain your efficiency throughout your efforts by limiting the decline of glycogen (energy reserve) through its progressive energy supply of "good fats" and good vitamins present in the raw materials and helping to reduce fatigue. A real concentrate of instant energy, the energy puree will be your best ally during an event during intense efforts, difficult passages (climbs . The Holyfat coffee flavour energy puree is a natural caffeine-rich puree to accompany you during your most intense efforts or for events taking place at night.

The best time to consume a caffeine-rich energy puree is in the morning, at breakfast time, to help you start the day in good shape, at night to keep you awake or during moments of fatigue. Indeed, some sporting events such as ultra-trails take place at night, so coffee puree will help you stay awake more easily and thus stay alert.

Once opened, a nut-butters can be stored for 1 month (remember to remove as much air as possible from the pouch by pressing it down until you see the puree rise to the edge of the cap and then reseal it). However, it is important to know that in silicone bottles, the transparency and the cap mean that there is more exposure to light and air. This has the effect of promoting oxidation. A puree should not be stored in a silicone tube for more than 72 hours.

We offer 2 types of "compote gourd" formats:

- The 40g format which is a single use recommended to discover the range

- The 240g format corresponding to "6 doses" which is a more economical and ecological refill format. With this format, you can fill your eco-refillable bottle quickly and with less waste.

The energy gel is designed to provide a quick dose of sugar to provide energy throughout a more or less long effort. However, the problem with energy gel is that once you start, you are obliged to consume it every 45 minutes or risk hypoglycaemia.

Often cumbersome because you need a lot of them for a long run, disgusting because they are very sweet and a source of digestive problems, many people are looking for an alternative to these energy gels and to sugar in general. Unlike traditional energy gels, Holyfat oilseed purees are mainly composed of lipids (as opposed to carbohydrates for gels), vitamins, minerals and other beneficial compounds for health. Their semi-liquid texture allows easy absorption during exercise and does not require chewing. Fat, unlike carbohydrates, provides 9kcal/g of fat and carbohydrates only 4kcal/g. Our 40g purees therefore provide 270kcal on average, which enables us to provide energy without any variation in blood sugar levels for an average of 2 hours of effort. Our purees, made from quality ingredients and without additives, are easily assimilated and very digestible.

Holyfat oilseed purees can be used both during training and on the day of your event. They provide up to 2 hours of stable energy and are therefore ideal for intense sports such as cycling, running, trail running, etc. The various HolyFat energy purees are specifically designed to support your efficiency throughout the effort or in difficult passages.

Unsere Energiepürees stellen eine echte Alternative zu klassischen Energiegels dar. Letztere sind im Allgemeinen sehr reich an Kohlenhydraten, die schnell Energie liefern, aber häufig verzehrt werden müssen, um eine Unterzuckerung zu vermeiden.

Die Aufnahme einer großen Menge Zucker in kurzer Zeit kann zu Übelkeit, aber auch zu plötzlichen Schwankungen des glykämischen Index führen und kontraproduktiv wirken, zu Müdigkeit und Leistungseinbußen führen.

Im Gegensatz dazu ist Holyfat-Püree reich an guten Lipiden und ohne Zuckerzusatz, sodass es dank der Fettsäuren sowie der darin enthaltenen natürlichen und nützlichen Fette dauerhafte Energie bietet. Im Gegensatz zu Kohlenhydraten liefern Lipide 9 kcal/g und verdoppeln so die Energieaufnahme bei geringerer Aufnahmemenge. Dieser Unterschied gewährleistet bis zu zwei Stunden stabile Energie, ohne dass es zu plötzlichen Spitzen oder Abfällen kommt.

Darüber hinaus bestehen unsere energiespendenden Pürees aus natürlichen Inhaltsstoffen, sind leicht verdaulich und absorbierbar und eignen sich daher besser für die Sporternährung von Ausdauersportlern . Ob beim Trailrunning, Laufen oder Radfahren, sie garantieren ein besseres Energiemanagement ohne Zuckerüberladung oder das Risiko von Blutzuckerspitzen.

Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einer gesünderen und nachhaltigeren Sporternährung sind, könnten Sie eine Alternative zu kohlenhydratreichen Produkten ausprobieren und unsere Energiepüree-Formulierung bevorzugen, die eine echte Quelle natürlicher Pflanzenproteine ​​ist.

Holyfat lädt Sie ein, Ihre Sportpraxis zu revolutionieren, Ihr Energieniveau zu steigern und die Bedürfnisse Ihres Stoffwechsels durch unsere Pürees zu befriedigen. Hier finden Sie einige Argumente, die Sie davon überzeugen können, sich für unsere Energieprodukte für Sportler zu entscheiden:

  • Unsere Energiepürees sind eine hervorragende Quelle für gute Lipide und pflanzliche Proteine ​​und ideal zur Unterstützung Ihrer Muskeln beim Training.
  • Im Gegensatz zu schnellen Kohlenhydraten trägt der hohe Gehalt an essentiellen Lipiden in unseren Pürees dazu bei, stabile Energie für längere Anstrengungen bereitzustellen.
  • Ausschließlich aus natürlichen Zutaten hergestellt und in verschiedenen Geschmacksrichtungen wie Vanille, Kokosnuss, Zitrone, Kaffee, Kakao erhältlich, verleiht Ihr Energiepüree Ihren Sitzungen eine Gourmet-Note.
  • Glutenfrei, laktosefrei, ohne Zusatz- oder Konservierungsstoffe : Sie sind für alle Diäten geeignet und berücksichtigen dabei Ihre Gesundheit und Ihre sportlichen Bedürfnisse.
  • Mit einem optimalen Kalorienindex liefern unsere Pürees konzentrierte Energie in einer kleinen Menge, sodass Sie Blutzuckerspitzen vermeiden.
  • Ihre natürliche Zusammensetzung ermöglicht eine schnelle Verdauung und vermeidet Verdauungsbeschwerden, die häufig bei anderen Sportsnacks wie beispielsweise Energiegels auftreten.
  • Sie eignen sich perfekt zum Verzehr vor, während oder nach dem Training und eignen sich jederzeit zur Aufrechterhaltung Ihrer Nährstoffzufuhr, sei es im sportlichen Kontext oder einfach für den täglichen Gourmetgenuss.