La noix de coco : Un fruit exotique méconnu

Coconut: A little-known exotic fruit

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Everything you need to know about this exotic fruit with so many benefits :

Coconut is an exotic fruit from the coconut tree, found in most equatorial zones around the world. Particularly rich in nutrients and versatile, coconuts are well worth a visit!

A little history...

The coconut was first discovered in the 14th century by Marco Polo during his travels in South-East Asia. However, it wasn't until the 16th century that it made its way to Europe. This tropical wonder, with its unique ability to float without losing its sprouting potential, conquered the sandy soils of tropical regions where it was able to take root and flourish.
Archaeological evidence dating back to 4000 BC suggests that humans were already exploiting the coconut's many uses. Over time, it has become an essential part of the diet, hydration and even the manufacture of objects in various cultures around the world (1).

Nutritional benefits

Coconut is 45% water. Providing around 365kcal/100g, it is a high-energy, high-calorie fruit. Lipids make up more than 35% of the edible fleshy part of the coconut.
Carbohydrates and proteins make up 5.9% and 3.4% of the fruit's edible mass respectively. Coconut oil can also be made from the fruit's high lipid content (2).

Coconut oil is made up of saturated fatty acids. As part of a low-carb diet (high in fat and low in carbohydrates), eating coconut oil is a no-brainer. Coconut oil contains a type of fatty acid, medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which are easier for the human body to use than other types of fatty acid. Because they are a rapidly available source of energy, MCTs are often consumed by athletes (3). Some studies have also shown that they help to reduce the rise in lactate (lactic acid) levels (4).

Its benefits

Coconut is a fruit full of benefits! Its many properties make it a major health ally! Rich in nutrients and compounds that are essential for our bodies, coconuts can be included in most diets.

  •  Rich in vegetable protein

Coconut contains around 3g to 4g of protein and nitrogen compounds per 100g serving. As with many plants, these components are largely free amino acids. These are necessary for the proper functioning of our body and the balance of our metabolism (5).

  •    Rich in fibre

Coconut is distinguished by its high fibre content, with a concentration of 14g per 100g in its dry pulp and 9g per 100g in its fresh pulp. These fibres play a crucial role in digestive health because of their hydrophilic properties, which increase the volume of stools, thus promoting intestinal transit.
With a composition similar to that of oilseeds such as almonds or hazelnuts, coconuts also offer benefits for regulating intestinal transit. Its fibre and essential nutrient content help maintain regular, healthy digestion (6).

  •     A source of minerals and trace elements

Coconut, with its various components such as coconut water, is a natural source of many essential minerals, including potassium, sodium, chloride and magnesium. These minerals play a vital role in various processes in our bodies, such as muscle contraction, nervous system function and gastric balance. Coconut milk is therefore a beneficial addition to any balanced diet.

Coconut is also an excellent source of iron, providing around 13% of the recommended daily intake of iron per 100g portion of coconut meat. As well as being rich in minerals, coconut milk is also an appreciable source of manganese, phosphorus and copper, contributing to the diversity of nutritional intakes.

  •     A good source of vitamins

Coconut, renowned for its nutritional richness, is an important source of various vitamins. In particular, it offers an appreciable amount of vitamin E, known for its crucial role in maintaining the immune system and other biological processes.
 It also contains significant quantities of vitamin K1, vitamin C, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6 and vitamin B9. These vitamins play an essential role in the proper functioning of the heart, nervous system and muscles, contributing to the overall health of the body.


Coconut: a sportsman's ally

  • Coconut pulp: a good source of energy

Coconut pulp has a high energy density, with around 360 calories per 100g. This makes it an ideal food for sportspeople, providing a substantial energy intake to support intense physical activity.
Although the majority of coconut lipids are saturated fatty acids (around 90%), they have a unique lipid profile. Unlike saturated fatty acids of animal origin (often associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease), those found in coconuts are unique. They are mainly composed of lauric acid and medium-chain triglycerides, which pose no threat to the arteries and provide a rapidly usable source of energy for the body (7).


  • Coconut flakes: energy for the long haul

Coconut flakes are distinguished by their balanced composition, with 75% fat and fibre. This unique combination helps to lower the glycaemic index of foods, ensuring that blood sugar levels remain stable after consumption.
By keeping blood sugar levels stable, they reduce the fluctuations that stimulate feelings of hunger. This stability promotes satiety, helping to control overall calorie intake.
Coconuts are also an effective source of fuel for the energy metabolism. Their carbohydrate content, comprising both simple and complex sugars, provides rapidly available and long-lasting energy. This availability of energy helps to sustain physical and cognitive performance throughout the day, as well as during long-term exercise.


Where can you find coconut at Holyfat?

You can find coconut in two different products. Firstly, the chocolate-coconut bar, where the cocoa blends perfectly with the sweetness of the coconut! Secondly, in the coconut purée, where the balance of flavours allows you to fully savour the delicious taste of coconut without masking the macadamia flavour.

Where does the coconut we use come from?

The coconut we use in our recipes is organically grown. After being harvested by hand, the shell is opened and the skin removed. The flesh is washed, grated and treated with steam. Finally, the coconut is grated and dried.

Did you know?

During the Second World War, coconut water was used as an intravenous solution because there wasn't enough blood plasma available.

>> Don't hesitate to check out our other articles, including "How to avoid fatigue during exercise, particularly during endurance sports", as well as our focus on our ingredients, plus a few tips and advice for preparation and your sports outings (or your busy days).

1. Futura (n.d.). Coconut: what is it? Futura.
2. Conan, C. (2021, 13 April). Coconut and its health benefits.
3. De Nutrixeal Info, E. R. (2021, 26 May). Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs): useless calories or beneficial energy for our cells? Nutrixeal Info.
4. Nosaka, N., Suzuki, Y., Nagatoishi, A., Kasai, M., Wu, J., & Taguchi, M. (2009). Effect of Ingestion of Medium-Chain Triacylglycerols on Moderate- and High-Intensity Exercise in Recreational Athletes. Journal Of Nutritional Science And Vitaminology, 55(2), 120-125.
5. Chic des Plantes! (n.d.). Blog about Chic des Plantes! organic herbal teas and broths
6. Coconut: uses and nutritional benefits. (n.d.).
7. H. (2021, 15 November). All about coconuts, their benefits and how to eat them. Les Hameaux Bio.*


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