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The amount of minerals in the body varies widely. In total, they account for around 4% of body weight. They are involved in many bodily functions, including mineralization, muscle, nerve and immune functions, control of water balance, and enzymatic and hormonal systems (1).

During intense exercise, minerals can be eliminated in large quantities through sweat. Sweating leads to losses of sodium, chlorine, potassium and magnesium, which must be counterbalanced by diet and hydration (2).

During physical effort, electrolytes can play an important role in maintaining the body's functions.

• Sodium (Na+):
Sodium is an important electrolyte in the balance of osmotic pressure. It also plays a role in nerve function and muscle contraction.
During intense physical activity, sodium is excreted through perspiration. Losses can be very high, particularly in hot, humid climatic conditions.
Decreased sodium levels are frequently accompanied by nausea, malaise and edema (3).

• Potassium (K+):
Potassium plays an essential role in muscle function and nerve transmission. It also plays a role in water exchange across cell membranes to maintain fluid levels and regulate blood pressure.
Although potassium deficiencies are rare, they do lead to muscle weakness and fragility during exercise. These deficiencies can occur as a result of intense physical activity, particularly in hot, humid climatic conditions with high levels of sweating (3).

• Chloride ion (Cl-):
Chlorine is present in the body in the form of chloride ions. It helps maintain osmotic, muscular and nervous functions.
It is often included in electrolyte drink formulations to support overall electrolyte and acid-base balance (3).


• Magnesium (Mg2+):
Magnesium plays an important role in nerve transmission, energy metabolism, muscle function and electrolyte balance. Extracellular magnesium accounts for only 1% of total magnesium. Magnesia (blood magnesium levels) is therefore not the best indicator of magnesium status. It does, however, give an idea of magnesium levels.
Magnesium loss during physical effort is often only transient, returning to normal levels within 24 hours. This is mainly due to a redistribution of magnesium from the various compartments of the body.
Although magnesium loss is lower than that of other micronutrients, magnesium supplementation can be beneficial for some people. However, studies show that magnesium supplementation does not improve performance (3),(4).

Where does Holyfat electrolyte drink come from?

Holyfat electrolyte drink is manufactured by an ISO 22000-certified French company specializing in the production of powdered products in the field of sports nutrition. 20g sachet of Holyfat drink contains :
- 1000mg sodium
- 750mg potassium
- 1000mg chloride ions present in NACL
- 140mg magnesium

Sources :

1. Les minéraux. Anses - Agence Nationale de Sécurité Sanitaire de L’alimentation, de L’environnement et du Travail. 2022.

2. Sportifs et sels minéraux. VIDAL. 2019.

3. Dietary reference values for vitamins and minerals. Anses - Agence Nationale de Sécurité Sanitaire de L’alimentation, de L’environnement et du Travail. 2022.

4. Bigard X, Guezennec CY. Nutrition du sportif. Chapitre 6. 3e éd. Elsevier Masson; 2017.

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