Electrolyte Drinks

Optimise your hydration by adding essential minerals to it:

  • 1000mg SODIUM
  • 150mg MAGNESIUM
  • 750mg POTASIUM

Foire aux questions

Our electrolyte sachets contain sodium, potassium, magnesium and dextrose. A natural flavouring is added in our poweder to make the taste pleasant in the mouth. We've added sugar (dextrose) to have a best mineral assimilation.

⦿ Sodium plays a part in the hydro-electrolytic balance of the human body. It is essential for the proper transmission of nerve and muscle impulses. It also helps the kidneys to filter waste and toxins from the body.
⦿ Potassium ensures good cell metabolism and, as a complement to sodium, helps maintain the body's water balance.
⦿ Magnesium is involved in a multitude of reactions in the body, such as muscle contraction and relaxation, as well as regulating mood and sleep.

Unlike other drinks on the market, our products are high in sodium and very low in added sugar

during sports, eating is not enough to cover your energy need, so get into the habit of drinking water regularly with a sachet of electrolyte-rich drink to compensate for your water and mineral losses

After prolonged physical activity or in hot weather, the body sweats and releases mineral salts through sweat. Without an ideal supply of electrolytes, the body can become weak and cramps can occur. Anxiety and lack of sleep can be one of the symptoms of a mineral deficiency.
Electrolytes play an important role in the human body. They are used to maintain a good level of hydration and are also involved in the process of muscle contraction. Unfortunately, electrolytes cannot be manufactured by the human body, the body therefore needs to be supplied with these minerals through nutrition and hydration.

⦿ One of the effects mainly encountered is Sodium deficiency (or hyponatremia), this is an imbalance in plasma dilution due to lack of sodium (too much water absorption). Drinking a lot of water to stay hydrated without adding electrolytes is potentially putting yourself at risk.

⦿ Low magnesium levels regularly cause cramps and fatigue. Magnesium also allows the assimilation of calcium, without a sufficient intake, the body could not absorb calcium. Calcium is an important mineral for athletes and people who regularly take part in long-duration sports. Calcium plays a role in muscle contraction, in muscle recovery and finally in water balance. Indeed, calcium is involved in the regulation of water balance in the body in combination with other electrolytes such as sodium and potassium.

⦿ Just like magnesium deficiency, potassium deficiency can cause muscle cramps, signs of fatigue, bloating, intestinal sluggishness and even constipation.

Because the body cannot synthesise the minerals it needs. Electrolytes must be supplied daily through nutrition and hydration. Certain foods such as potatoes, beans, bananas, spinach and milk can help to replenish stocks, but their consumption does not cover the recommended daily intake.Consumption of electrolyte drinks can compensate for electrolyte losses and thus combat fatigue, avoid cramps and improve hydration.During exercise, electrolytes in the blood will be rapidly eliminated through urine and sweat. In fact, the saltier your sweat, the more electrolytes it contains. Contrary to what you might think, you need to take in more electrolytes to compensate for these losses. Electrolytes allow athletes to:

  • Delay the effects of fatigue by providing magnesium.
  • Obtain optimal hydration through sodium, which regulates fluids through osmosis.
  • Compensate for water losses through potassium, which acts as a complement to sodium. An imbalance in the sodium/potassium balance can lead to dehydration or arterial hypertension.
  • To improve muscular resistance through calcium but also to facilitate cellular exchanges.

With a minimum of sugar (dextrose, one of the sugars derived from corn in particular), the electrolyte-rich drink offers a low carbohydrate intake that is interesting during exercise.

dextrose is easily assimilated by the human body and accelerates the assimilation of the various minerals. It is a type of simple sugar (carbohydrate) similar to fructose and glucose.

Like all our products, our ingredients are natural: we have selected the minerals that are best assimilated by the body (trisodium citrate, potassium chloride, fine salt, tri-magnesium citrate), our flavours are natural and our drinks are additive-free!

Our high-salt drink does not contain any vitamins. Our aim is to improve sporting performance by preventing cramp, so we haven't added any vitamins. If you want a vitamin supplement, you can try our energy nuts butter or energy bars.

Our electrolyte drink comes in the form of a powder sachet (20g) to be diluted with 1L of fresh water. You can consume the drink before, during and after your workout to maintain optimal hydration and accelerate recovery.

Beforehand, it prevents losses linked to the effort. During exercise, combined with our energy gels, the drinks help to optimise performance, maintain optimum energy levels throughout the race and combat dehydration.
Then, after exercise, electrolytes speed up the recovery process and rebuild the body's mineral reserves.
The recommended amount will vary according to your gender, weight, type of effort and also your tendency to sweat more or less. However, we recommend taking no more than one sachet per hour and a half of exertion.

If you tend to drink a lot, you can simply take one bottle containing Holyfat electrolyte powder and another containing only water. In addition, for an effort of less than 1 hour, a simple consumption of mineral water is sufficient.

Be careful, however, as over-consumption of electrolyte drinks without intense physical activity can lead to a number of health problems :
- Hypercalcaemia (too high a level of calcium) can cause constipation, nausea and vomiting, leading to dehydration;
- Hyperkalaemia (too high a level of potassium) can be moderate and cause only a few symptoms or be asymptomatic; in its most severe form, hyperkalaemia causes arrhythmia, which can lead to death when the level is very high.
- Hypernatremia (excessively high sodium levels) may be the result of dehydration caused by drinking too little water or sweating excessively. It can be recognised by a feeling of unquenchable thirst.
For your own health, we recommend that you take no more than one sachet (20g) per hour and a half of exercise.

To complement our range of nutrition (energy gels and bars), in 2022 we decided to launch an electrolyte drink (rich in salt) to make up for salt losses in minerals during exercise and improve performance and recovery.

1 year on, feedback is very positive about the effectiveness of the drink diluted in 1L of water for 1h 1h30 of effort.

We're also taking your feedback on the format into account (powder vs. tablets and larger containers) and are currently working on a multi-dose format. An orange flavour is also being considered.

In general, electrolyte drinks come in 2 formats: tablets or powders, which dissolve in a greater or lesser amount of water.

At Holyfat we have chosen to present our electrolyte drink in powder form for the moment, in order to add a minimum of ingredients (the effervescent tablets are made with bicarbonate of soda, for example) but also to have the most perfect dissolution possible without leaving any residue.

As far as the format is concerned. The sachets are available individually (20 g), but we are currently studying the possibility of presenting our electrolyte drinks in a larger format (300 g jar).

Electrolyte drinks mainly provide electrolytes such as sodium, potassium and magnesium to restore balance after exercise. Isotonic drinks, on the other hand, have a concentration of electrolytes and carbohydrates similar to that of the body, ideal for rapid hydration and immediate energy during physical activity.

It is advisable to drink products containing electrolytes during intense physical exercise. During exercise, sweating can lead to a significant loss of minerals. An electrolyte-rich drink can help replace these lost minerals. A drink rich in electrolytes (powder or tablets) can help replace these lost minerals, or you can drink electrolytes during hot weather when you are likely to sweat more and become dehydrated. electrolytes will help maintain an adequate water balance.