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What is oligofructose?

Oligofructose is a fructose polymer that occurs naturally as a storage carbohydrate in plants such as wheat, bananas and chicory.
Oligo-fructose is a dietary fibre that is not digested in the upper gastrointestinal tract.

The different properties of oligofructose

Oligofructose is a molecule comprising several fructose units linked by ß(2-1) bonds. These bonds prevent the oligosaccharide from being digested by human intestinal enzymes. As a result, this dietary fibre has a lower caloric value than sugars that can be digested by the body.
Several studies have shown that this polymer has no influence on serum glucose levels, or on the stimulation of insulin and glucagon secretion.
Because oligofructose is not digested by human intestinal enzymes, it is fermented by the microbial flora of the colon.
Oligo-fructose can be called "prebiotics". It is a non-digestible food product that stimulates the growth of certain beneficial intestinal bacteria. Oligofructose is thought to play a role in the growth of bifidobacteria in the intestine, which have beneficial functions for human health.
On the other hand, since oligofructose is not digestible, it may have laxative properties and, if consumed in excessive quantities, may cause flatulence in some people.
Finally, some studies have suggested that oligofructose may increase the absorption and deposition of calcium in the bones, thereby preventing osteoporosis.

Where can you find oligo-fructose in our products?

Holyfat energy bars contain oligofructose to improve texture.
However, if you have sensitive intestines, there is a risk that you may develop stomach pains or flatulence. Don't hesitate to test the products during your training sessions to avoid any digestive problems during your competitions.

Sources :
1. Mensink MA, Frijlink HW, Van Der Voort Maarschalk K, Hinrichs WLJ. Inulin, a flexible oligosaccharide I: Review of its physicochemical characteristics. Carbohydrate Polymers. Oct 2015;130:405-19.
2. Niness KR. Inulin and Oligofructose: What Are They? The Journal of Nutrition. Jul 1999;129(7):1402S-1406S.

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