Noix de macadamia : bienfaits incomparables !

Macadamia nuts: a bomb of benefits

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Where does the macadamia nut come from?

The macadamia nut, also called Queensland nut, is the fruit of the Queensland walnut tree (North-East Australia). Discovered 5000 years ago by the Aborigines, it is one of the very few endemic plants of Australia to have been domesticated by Man.

The macadamia was rediscovered by two English botanists in 1858. Its name was given in honor of an Australian scientist of Scottish origin, John Macadam. Today, the macadamia nut is cultivated in many warm regions (South Africa, Brazil, California...), but it is Australia which has the largest world production.

Macadamia nuts are drupes, grouped in clusters. They are enclosed in extremely hard, brown shells, themselves surrounded by a thin fleshy envelope (the husk). The nuts are ripe when they fall spontaneously from the tree and the husk splits. It can then be eaten fresh, it will have a flavor close to that of the coconut. However, it will be necessary to use a vice to break the shell which is not as fragile as that of a nut or an almond!


But what exactly does it contain and why is it so interesting to include in one's diet, especially as part of a ketogenic diet?

The macadamia nut is the nut richest in lipids, mainly monounsaturated (57.2%, including 43.8% oleic acid w9). It is low in saturated fatty acids and is also the least rich of all oilseeds in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which makes it less inflammatory than pine nuts for example.

Compared to other oilseeds, it also has a medium carbohydrate content and the lowest protein content.

Consuming a handful (20 to 30 g) of macadamia nuts as a snack or during a sport allows the body to have the necessary energy to continue while avoiding a variation in blood sugar levels due to its very low sugar content. Thus, you always go further in your day or your training without slackening! That's why at Holyfat we use them in half of our range of energy purees, given their great nutritional qualities, it would indeed be a shame to deprive you of them - for a gourmet break as well as for a sports outing! Not to mention their delicious taste, because in addition to being full of goodness, they are also very tasty and lend themselves to many recipes. They are also very popular in the kitchen, like their cousins the almonds or cashews for example, raw, plain, cooked, salted, sweetened, grilled or caramelized. A real little non-guilty pleasure!

The macadamia nut is therefore of particular interest in a ketogenic diet (or diet without any sugar) because of its low carbohydrate content and its richness in lipids, but not only! Integrated into a varied diet or used as part of a sports practice, it can be an excellent ally for performance and well-being.


What are the benefits of macadamia nuts?

What are the omega 9 present in the Macadamia nut, and what are they used for?

Omega 9 are mono unsaturated fatty acids. Contrary to omegas 3 and 6, omegas 9 are said to be non essential. Not that the body does not need them, on the contrary, but it knows how to produce them itself if they are not sufficiently provided by the food.

The main one is oleic acid, whose name comes from the Latin oleum "oil". It is the most abundant in nature, in human fatty tissue and in blood plasma. However, omega 9s are not found everywhere: they are mainly found in vegetable or animal oils: olive oil (72%), hazelnut oil (77.8%), grape seed oil, avocado oil, rapeseed oil, peanut oil or sesame oil, or even duck fat (44.2%), goose fat, beef fat, butter (20%) or lard (41%) Oilseeds (such as almonds or walnuts, which are also used in our Holyfat purees) also contain omega 9 in significant quantities.


The role of omega 9: They play very similar roles to omega 3 and 6:

  • Cardiovascular protection
  • Regulation of the cholesterol level (decrease the LDL cholesterol, the "bad", and increase the "good" cholesterol, protective for the arteries)
  • Participate in membrane plasticity
  • Play an anti-inflammatory role
  • Participate in the proper functioning of the immune system
  • Contribute to the proper functioning of the retina, the nervous system and the brain
  • Reduce the risk of cancer

The French National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety (ANSES) recommends, for a standard adult diet (without any particular pathology or diet), a 35 to 40% lipid intake in the daily energy supply, including :

  • MUFA (omega 9): 15 to 20%.
  • PUFA (omega 3 and 6): 5%, with a minimum of 1% omega 3 and 4% omega 6 (and a w6/w3 ratio lower than 5)

The macadamia nut is therefore an excellent source of good fats. It also contains interesting levels of Thiamine (1.2 mg/100 g), vitamin B6 (0.28 mg/100 g), vitamin B3 (2.47 mg/100 g), manganese (4.13 mg / 100 g) and magnesium (130 mg/100 g).


The vitamins and minerals present in the macadamia nut are very interesting:

Thiamine (vitamin B1):

Water-soluble vitamin, it is not produced by our body and must therefore be provided via the diet. It plays several important functions, particularly in the metabolism of carbohydrates (degradation). It is essential for the transformation of pyruvate, a metabolite produced by glycolysis (breakdown of glucose to generate energy) and toxic for the nervous system. It also acts (in the form of thiamine triphosphate) in the transmission of nerve impulses.

Thus, thiamine is necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system and muscles. A deficiency in B1 can lead to neurological disorders, encephalopathy (Gayet-Wernicke encephalopathy, a severe neurological disorder) and a disease called Beriberi ("I can't, I can't" in Sinhala, as marked fatigue is one of the main symptoms of this condition). Note that the flesh of some fish contains thiaminase, an enzyme that breaks down thiamine. Cooking degrades it, but ingested raw, as in Japan for example, it can contribute to a thiamine deficiency.

For adults, the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of thiamine is 1.5 mg. Apart from macadamia nuts and oilseeds more generally, it can be found in beer yeast flakes, legumes, certain meats, offal and cold cuts, or in whole grain foods.

Vitamin B3:

Niacin must be provided by the diet but can also be synthesized endogenously from tryptophan and, to a lesser extent, by intestinal bacteria. It works in synergy with B2, B6 and magnesium. It has already demonstrated its effectiveness in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia and skin disorders, due to its major metabolic role. It regulates cholesterol levels, allows the production of energy, the synthesis of bile salts or steroid hormones by entering into the composition of co-enzymes involved in lipid metabolism. It prevents atherosclerosis by helping to maintain the integrity of the arteries (and more generally the tissues). It also preserves neuronal cells from premature aging and could therefore participate in the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer's, Parkinson's,...).

It is found in foods of animal origin (meat and seafood) but also in yeast or wheat germ, potatoes and oilseeds. The average nutritional requirement (ADN) is 11.4 mg/day for adult women and 14 mg/day for adult men. Deficiency (extremely rare) can lead to asthenia, headaches, dizziness, dementia, and pellagra (a nutritional disorder mostly seen in malnourished or undernourished populations).

Vitamin B6 :

Also essential since it is not produced by the body, pyridoxine is involved in many metabolic reactions. It ensures the balance of the immune system and the health of lymphoid organs (primary: bone marrow and thymus and secondary: spleen, lymph nodes, tonsils). In protein metabolism, it is involved in the synthesis and degradation of amino acids and proteins, especially tryptophan, which it transforms into vitamin B3. It allows the synthesis and renewal of red blood cells and allows the production of neurotransmitters and essential hormones: noradrenalin, serotonin, adrenalin... It thus favors hormonal balance. Associated with B9, B12, zinc or magnesium, it increases and facilitates assimilation.

A B6 deficiency can lead to anemia, intense fatigue, melancholy, skin disorders or inflammation of the tongue. However, since B6 is found in a majority of foods, it is extremely rare to observe deficiencies. They are mainly observed in malnourished people, in case of renal insufficiency or in chronic alcoholics. On the other hand, an excess of B6 is deleterious. Indeed, in high doses, it is neurotoxic and can affect the memory and the nervous system, sometimes permanently. It is therefore recommended not to exceed a daily dose of 6 mg of pyridoxine (knowing that the RDA is 1.3 mg for an adult and 1.9 mg for a pregnant woman).

Vitamin B6 is found in a wide variety of plant and animal foods (meat, fish, offal, seeds, oilseeds, bananas, ...).

Manganese :

Essential trace element, it plays a role in the activation of certain enzymes. It is also involved in carbohydrate metabolism and lipid synthesis, especially cholesterol. It is therefore indirectly involved in the synthesis of sex hormones. Finally, it plays a role in the formation of the skeleton and connective tissue.

Its metabolic role is completed by that of enzymatic co-factor, i.e. it binds to an enzyme to enable it to act. In the human body, it binds to superoxide dismutase, which participates in the elimination of free radicals and also allows the synthesis of insulin. It also activates prolidase, which is involved in collagen synthesis.

Fun fact: manganese is absorbed by the body in two ways: through the digestive tract, via food or mineral water, but also through the respiratory tract! Airborne particles enter the lungs and then enter the bloodstream.

Manganese is found mainly in oilseeds (walnuts, almonds, pecans, macadamia nuts), cereals (whole wheat, barley, buckwheat, rye), chocolate and shellfish. Very present in the diet and with a low daily requirement (RDA: 2.5 mg), a deficiency is rare. It is manifested by a slowing down of growth, damage to the skin, hair and nails, a decrease in blood cholesterol and an alteration in reproductive functions. An excess of manganese is sometimes noted in vegetarians/vegetarians since it is very present in plants. It then causes neurological disorders: headaches, drowsiness.


Essential mineral, it is the 4th most important cation in the body and the 2nd at the intracellular level. The human body contains an average of 25 mg of magnesium, stored between 50 and 60% in the bones, 25% in the muscles and 1% in extracellular fluids. It is involved in more than 300 enzymatic reactions: maintenance of homeostasis (internal equilibrium), glucose transport, phosphorus transport, protein synthesis, enzyme activation, transmission of nerve impulses and muscle contraction, it also has a sedative function and stimulates the formation of antibodies (immune role). It also plays a complex role in the integrity of cells, promotes brain plasticity, promotes calcium fixation on bones and is anti-inflammatory. Among other things, we are not going to expose you the hundreds of reactions and their actions but you will have understood that magnesium is vital to the body.

Its absorption is favored by the solubility and fermentable carbohydrates (found for example in oilseeds such as almonds). A magnesium deficiency can result (among other things) in digestive disorders, sleep disorders, anxiety, irritability, fatigue or neuromuscular irritability (spasms, cramps, tremors, involuntary contractions), stress/anxiety/depression, heart palpitations, thermal disturbances, and kidney, bone, vascular and liver problems. Legend has it that when the eye twitches, it may be due to a lack of magnesium.

Don't panic though, magnesium can be found in many food sources: coffee, shellfish, whole grains, oilseeds... and chocolate! There are also magnesium supplements available if you are deficient, which will allow you to reach your recommended intake of about 400 mg/day for an adult (the needs change according to age). In case of intense physical activity (endurance sports for example), the needs are increased because sweat causes important mineral losses.


As you can see, the macadamia nut is a little bomb of benefits for the body. Good fat, good taste and many possible uses... There is no reason to deprive yourself of them (as long as you don't finish the pack)!

In which products can you find macadamia at Holyfat?

The majority of our purees are macadamia-based (+85% on average), so you'll find macadamia in our salt, lemon, vanilla, coconut, espresso and limited edition purees.

Where do our macadamias come from?

Our macadamias come directly from South Africa. Our supplier there is FSSC22000 certified. He receives the macadamias, hulls and pasteurises them, then dispatches them to us.

Don't hesitate to consult our other articles, in particular " How to avoid fatigue during exercise, especially during an endurance sport", as well as our focus on our ingredients, with the added bonus of some tips and advice for the preparation and your sports outings (or your busy days).

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