Collection: Sugar-free spreads: Discover our spreads

Enjoy our sugar-free spreads and savour every bite without feeling guilty.
  • Less than 11% carbohydrates
  • Minimum 90% oilseeds
  • Always a minimum of ingredients for a maximum of taste!
Pâte à tartiner sans sucre

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Spread for all tastes

Sugar-free spreads have become increasingly popular in recent years because of their reduced sugar content and potential health benefits.

At Holyfat we make a point of making healthy products, without additives and low in carbohydrates. It is therefore natural that we have decided to develop a range of sugar-free, gourmet and energy-rich spreads that will accompany your breakfasts, snacks, appetizers or even your dishes!

Our spreads are made from quality ingredients. The different ingredients used in each recipe offer a perfect taste and a creamy texture that will delight young and old.

Team Sweet or Team Salty? Whatever team you belong to, our snacks will allow you to spend the day safely.
All our products are natural and without additives, gluten-free, lactose-free and vegan.

All about our sugar-free spreads

Adult-friendly spreads for children

Who doesn’t know her? The annoying hunger between meals. It can happen quickly that you snack on something that does not satisfy you and, moreover, is not healthy. At HolyFat, we ensure that you have healthy and quality snacks at all times, Sugar-free pasta spreads are a delicious and healthy alternative to traditional pasta spreads Our snacks are perfect as snacks between meals, This will save you from starving when the next meal is still far away.

Our spreads are made for everyone: big and small; sporty or not. We give you the opportunity to taste salty or fruity tartinables made from quality ingredients that will allow you to stay between meals and avoid small pecks. Whether as an accompaniment to breakfast or as an aperitif, the HolyFat spreads are there to accompany you.HolyFat spreads have a long shelf life, so you don’t have to worry! But in our experience, HolyFat spreads don’t last long and are consumed quickly.

What is the composition of your spreads? Are they gluten-free/ lactose-free/ vegan?

We offer 2 ranges of spreads:

- The «fruity»: composed of macadamia and lyophilized fruits like banana or raspberry.

- ‘Salty’: made with nuts, almonds, spices and freeze-dried fruit. Our spreads are palm oil free. Besides, we simply do not add oil to our spreads.Like all our products, our spreads have a simple composition without additives or preservatives!  Our spreads are vegan, gluten-free and lactose-free. They are a delicious and healthy alternative to traditional spreads for vegan, gluten-free and lactose-free people. They are made from oilseeds such as walnuts, almonds and macadamia, which are rich in essential nutrients such as protein, fiber, unsaturated fatty acids, minerals and vitamins.

Our vegan spreads, Oilseeds are also an excellent source of protein for people on a vegan diet, due to the high protein content of oilseeds used in their manufacture. Proteins are essential for building and repairing muscle tissue and bones.

How and when to consume Holyfat spreads?

There are many ways to eat salty or fruity spreads.

Salty spreads can be used to accompany different types of breads, crackers, raw vegetables, or dishes based on meat and fish.

They can also be simply used as aperitif spreads. For example, you can spread them on slices of toast for a quick lunch, or use them as a dip for raw vegetables for a healthy snack.

Fruity spreads can also be used in different ways. You can spread them on slices of toast or pancakes for a delicious breakfast. You can also use them in yogurt or to make cakes, cookies or frozen desserts.There is no specific time to consume a sugar-free spread. It depends on your preferences and needs. Tartinables are ideal for a low breakfast, as they can give your body the energy it needs to properly attack the day. They can also be consumed before a physical activity to recharge your energy before starting your session.Spreads can also be enjoyed after a workout when you can’t eat a real meal or even for a healthy alternative to an aperitif.

What are the advantages of Holyfat spread?

Our spread is made in our premises from healthy ingredients and sourced as close as possible. The composition of our spread without sugar is simple and without additives. The goal? A minimum of ingredients for maximum taste. Oilseeds (nuts, almonds, macadamia) as well as freeze-dried spices or fruits and nothing more. Our sugar-free spreads contain less than 10% carbohydrates. They are ideal for a healthy breakfast or before a long-term effort to provide you with sustainable energy.

Why do you put freeze-dried fruits?

Freeze-dried fruits are fresh fruits that have been dehydrated by a process called freeze-drying. Unlike dried fruit, freeze-drying keeps most of the nutrients in fresh fruit. Freeze-dried fruits contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and dietary fiber similar to fresh fruit. They are also rich in natural flavors and aromas, making them delicious to eat.

Why oilseed spreads?

Our oilseed-based spreads, such as nuts, almonds and macadamia, are rich in essential nutrients for athletes. They contain unsaturated fatty acids, proteins, fiber, minerals and vitamins that can help athletes stay healthy and improve their performance.Unsaturated fatty acids found in oilseeds can help reduce the risk of heart disease and maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

The proteins contained in oilseeds can help build and repair muscles.Fiber can help maintain healthy digestion.Minerals such as magnesium and potassium, found in oilseeds, such as magnesium and potassium, can help maintain normal muscle and nerve functions.Vitamins, such as vitamin E, can help protect cells from oxidative damage.

Where and how to store the spread?

The spread keeps for several months at room temperature. Once opened, it stays for several weeks (if you resist until then!), you can keep it if you prefer the refractor to have a thicker consistency.Our spreads have a DLUO between 4 and 6 months. As indicated, it is only a DLUO so the product is still consumable after, only the taste or appearance can be altered.

As you have surely seen, for our limited editions, we tried different types of pots. The aluminum pot had the advantage of being light, easy to transport and unbreakable, but during transportation the slightest blow deformed it and the spread leaked. The glass jar is heavier but we have retained it because it is also recyclable and allows a better preservation of the product. In addition, glass is a neutral material that does not react with food and does not alter its taste. Glass spreads are also easier to clean and reuse.

Are our spreads suitable for athletes?

Sugarless and high-fat snacks can be particularly beneficial for athletes, especially those who practice endurance sports. Unlike sugary snacks, which can cause insulin spikes and rapid fatigue, sugarless, high-fat snacks provide a constant, long-lasting source of energy.As an athlete, it is particularly important to provide the muscles with enough energy to regenerate the glycogen reserves.

Our macadamia- or nut- and almond-based spreads without added sugars are a perfect snack that can actively help you develop your muscles. In fact, when you practice endurance sports, your body mainly uses fat as a source of energy. Sugarless and high-fat snacks can help fuel this fat use and can help improve your stamina and performance.In addition, fats are slower to digest than sugars, and they can help improve your endurance and performance. This means they can provide you with energy for longer periods of exercise.

Is it healthy to have a snack between meals?

Out of preconceived ideas, the snack is not only reserved for children. Long day? Not had time to have breakfast? Our pasta spreads will help you stay on until your next meal.A healthy snack can also help maintain stable energy levels throughout the day. Foods high in added sugars can cause spikes in insulin and glucose in the blood, followed by a sudden drop in energy. By choosing foods high in protein and fiber, such as fruits, vegetables or nuts, you can avoid these energy fluctuations and feel more alert and focused.

Why eat a spread without sugars?

Sugar-free spreads are made from natural ingredients, such as nuts, seeds and fruits, without adding sugar. Sweet spreads are made from similar ingredients, but usually contain added sugars to improve their taste.Sugar-free spreads are a healthier option for people looking to limit their sugar intake. They are generally richer in nutrients such as protein, fiber and unsaturated fatty acids.

In addition, they are often made from natural and minimally processed ingredients, making them more suitable for a balanced diet.Spreads that you usually find in stores contain on average more than 40% carbohydrates. Why so much? Because much cheaper than real ingredients, sugar is also a flavour enhancer that helps the consistency of spreads.

The problem is that sweet spreads cause blood glucose fluctuations and can contribute to weight gain if they are consumed excessively. Added sugars are also often associated with health risks and can cause diseases such as diabetes or heart disease.

Our different packs

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