Fuel guide - Ironman

Holyfat has put together a sample training plan to help you reach your performance goals for a Full Ironman! The plan is broken down into 9 sessions per week and 3 different intensities of effort so you can keep improving!

Two examples of nutritional plans are provided to help you optimise your nutrition and hydration during training and on the day of your competition.
Packs of 20 or 40 hours of training and a pack for the day of your Ironman are designed for you.

Collapsible content

Sample training plan

Example of a training plan: 11h30 per week

Running :
- 1 endurance session: 1h30
- 1 moderate intensity session: 1 hour
- 1 high-intensity session: 45 minutes

Swimming :
- 1 endurance session: 1h30
- 1 moderate-intensity session: 1 hour
- 1 high-intensity session: 30 minutes

Cycling :
- 1 endurance session: 3 hours
- 1 moderate intensity session: 1h30
- 1 high-intensity session: 45 minutes

Nutritional plan TRAINING

Ironman nutrition plan RACE DAY: 226km (140.6miles) 13/14h

Designed to provide lasting energy, our oilseed bars and purees will help you avoid variations in blood sugar levels, ensuring consistent performance throughout your effort. Rich in sodium, magnesium and potassium, our drink is ideal for staying hydrated throughout your competition!

With Holyfat, energy and stability are the keys to sporting success. Live your passion to the full, without compromising on nutrition!